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Preparing for Flu Season

Typically, the flu kicks off its tour in late fall and hits its climax in January or February. Preparing for flu season doesn’t guarantee that you won’t get the illness, but it does increase your odds of health and help slow the spread of the flu. 

This year more than ever, we all need to play our part in flu preparation and prevention to avoid overwhelming healthcare centers, hospitals, and nursing homes that are already combating COVID-19. 

Here are some ways you can help take action against the flu. 

Get Your Flu Shot 

Getting your flu shot is one of the most important, productive steps you can take toward protecting yourself from the flu virus. There are a lot of questions and misconceptions about the flu vaccine, and we’re here to clear up some confusion. 

*Due to age or existing health concerns, not everyone is a good candidate for the flu vaccine. View the CDC’s recommendations for who should not get the flu vaccine before you book an appointment. 

Yes, you need to get the flu shot every year. 

Your immune system is always changing, and so is the flu virus. The flu vaccine adjusts to combat the predicted, modern strands of the flu virus year after year. 

It takes time for the effects of the flu vaccine to kick in.

The CDC notes that it takes about two weeks for your flu shot to take effect in your body. That means the earlier you can get your flu shot, the better. 

Where to get your flu shot 

Heart City Health has flu shots ready and available. To get your flu shot, call our main office at 574-293-0052 and set up an appointment. 

Wash Your Hands and Cover Your Cough 

We’ve heard it a lot this year, but washing your hands really does save lives (and prevents sick days). Washing your hands with soap and water works! The CDC reported on the positive affects of handwashing, including that it “Reduces respiratory illnesses, like colds, in the general population by 16-21%.” 

Similarly, covering your cough and sneezes is equally important. 

In a best-case scenario, we’ll always have a tissue to cough or sneeze into, but if that’s not available, cough or sneeze into your elbow. If you forget and happen to cough into your hand (which is still better than not covering your cough at all!), make sure to head straight to a sink to wash your hands and kill the germs. 

If You’re Sick, Stay Home 

It’s never a good idea to come into work or school when you’re not feeling well, but this year is definitely not the time to try to appear tough or loyal by showing up to the office while ill. 

It’s near impossible to tell the difference between the flu symptoms and COVID symptoms in their early stages. If you’re sick, stay home, get tested for COVID, and rest up. 

Each decision to stay home protects others and helps healthcare centers stay available for those in the most critical condition. 

Beating COVID and The Flu will Take a Team 

To handle the flu season and COVID well, we all have to commit to taking care of ourselves and others by practicing preventative measures against these viruses. Wearing a mask, staying socially distant, and following guidelines that slow the spread of COVID will also reduce your risk of getting the flu. 

We’re in this together. Let’s commit to keeping each other safe and healthy when the cold weather comes.